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Greenville, SC and Upstate News
Local news for the Greenville and Upstate area, including updates on the Greenville Drive, local beer, and local food.
A concept born out of research from Clemson University’s Advanced Plant Technology (APT) Program is taking shape as a company that seeks to revolutionize regional agriculture by building a feed grain pipeline through the Southeast.
The Greenville Area Development Corporation (GADC), the nonprofit organization established by Greenville County Council to promote and enhance the economic development of Greenville County, has re‐launched its primary website.
The current flu season, one of the most active in recent years, has commanded the attention of our entire state and nation. And for good reason: The flu can be a serious threat.
An innovative program to curb childhood obesity is changing eating patterns in Greenville County one preschooler at a time, with hopes of expanding the program throughout the state.
Due to changes in telecommunications laws Greenville County Schools (GCS) is now able to send emergency text messages to parents through the school messenger system if their listed home phone number is text capable.
The jobs, tax revenue, and spending by South Carolina’s arts-related sector recently added $9.7 billion to the state’s economy, according to a new economic impact study released by the S.C. Arts Commission.
It’s hard to escape the interest, activity, and advantages of social media. Platforms are constantly evolving. With the changing dynamics of the digital communication space, it’s important to get back to the basics.
City leaders have launched the nonprofit Greenville Housing Fund, and announced the availability of approximately $2 million in equity funding for the development of affordable and workforce housing within the city.
A recent study published by The New England Journal of Medicine has revealed unwanted findings. Although it is a low-moisture food, raw flour can be a vehicle for foodborne pathogens.