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USC Upstate Seeks Math Whizzes For High School Math Contest

The Division of Math and Computer Science at the University of South Carolina Upstate invites all area high school math whizzes to the Second Annual High School Math Contest to be held on Saturday, November 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. High school students from Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, who live within 150 miles of Spartanburg, are invited to participate in the competition.

The Second Annual High School Math Contest will include a written exam and team relays. The written exam will cover knowledge related to arithmetic, algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, trigonometry, counting, probability, and number theory. Schools will choose three students to participate in the team relays, where they will answer a series of questions against the clock.

�Our goal is to stimulate interest in mathematics among high school students and to recognize those who exhibit exceptional talent,� said Dr. Rick Chow, chair of the division of math and computer science at USC Upstate.

Outstanding individual participants will be awarded prizes which include plaques, awards, t-shirts, and four-year USC Upstate tuition vouchers in the amounts of $1,000, $500 and $250.

For more information, contact Dr. Rick Chow at (864) 503-5206 or or Tommy Ordoyne at (864) 503-5225 or

(Image provided by USCU. )

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