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Sterling School to be School System’s First Total Choice School

Greenville County Schools is expanding its extensive school choice program with the August 2008 opening of the new Sterling School facility, the school system’s first school to be attended by all students on choice.

Sterling School, which will be located at 99 John McCarroll Way in Greenville and built for up to 850 students, will serve students in four-year old kindergarten (4K) through the eighth grade. The school will serve as an elementary school of choice (4K – 5th grade) with children from the school’s surrounding neighborhoods provided first choice to attend. Sterling School will also continue as the home of the county-wide gifted center, named in honor of Charles Townes, a choice program for gifted students in grades three through eight who qualify for the program.

“Sterling School will focus on inquiry-based instruction and the development of high level reasoning and analytical skills, which in turn, will help all students develop aptitudes and skills for learning, creating and operating in the future,” said District Superintendent Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher. “ In addition to certification for their grade or subject, teachers will participate in professional development in gifted education so all students can benefit from the same programmatically rich educational practices.”

Initially in 2008-09, the school’s elementary program will serve students in 4K through second grade. A grade will be added each year until the 2011-12 school year when the elementary choice program will serve students through the fifth grade. The Charles Townes Center at Sterling will add its final grade, the eighth grade, in 2008-09, serving students in third through the eighth grades.

As a neighborhood school of choice, parents living in the school’s McAlister Road community will have first choice to have their children attend Sterling or their currently assigned elementary school. Those parents will receive a letter explaining the enrollment process during the week of March 17. The deadline to enroll is Wednesday, April 9. (NOTE: GCS assignment geocodes are BSA1, CLK1, CLK2, FCV6, FCV7, GFP5, NIT1, SAB1 and WBR7).

Students living in other areas of the county will be accepted for the elementary program on a first-come, first-served basis if space is available. Beginning the week of April 14, those parents may apply at Sterling School’s present site, 625 Piedmont Highway, Greenville, SC 29605. The school telephone number is 355-4480.

For directions to Sterling School or further information, contact the school system’s Service Center at 355-3100 or Bud Goble, coordinator of student assignment, at 355-7266 or at [email protected].

(Image provided by Greenville County Schools.)

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