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South Carolinians have an easy way to access information for the 2008 American Cancer Society�s Relay For Life events. is a website designed for the 2008 Relay season to provide details on the South Carolina Relay events throughout the state and also detailed information about the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life. Visitors to the site will have the ability to also view South Carolina Relay photos, access Relay related videos and also download materials to use for events. One main feature of the site is the online fundraising capability. The goal in having a website for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of South Carolina events is to provide an easy, efficient way for people to get involved with any of the events taking place in the state. As fundraising moves into the new millennium, new online technologies make it easy for Relay For Life donors both inside and outside of the state to virtually raise funds through their computer. The online tools also provide a �real time� account of how much an event has raised to date through online fundraising donations which will promote competition and excitement between individual Relay events. Also through, participants and volunteers now have the ability to access more information and materials to make their events successful. The American Cancer Society�s Relay For Life is a unique event that includes patients, medical support staff, corporations, civic organizations, churches and community volunteers joining together in the fight against cancer. For many who have been touched by cancer, this event is a way for people to come together and pay tribute to those that have lost their battle with cancer, honor those who continue the fight and put a face on this disease.
Every dollar raised, either through online fundraising or the many other community fundraising initiatives, goes toward fight against cancer. Contributions to the Relay For Life help the American Cancer Society fight cancer in four main ways: research, education, advocacy and patient services.
"Cancer affects each one of us in South Carolina," said Pat Ray, Regional Executive Director for South Carolina. �Individuals who are giving their time and energy to this exciting event, as a volunteer or participant, have made a commitment to continue the fight and let their community know they can help eradicate this disease,�
For more information on the American Cancer Society or Relay For Life events in South Carolina, please visit or call 1-800-ACS-2345.
(Image provided by the American Cancer Society.)