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Local peach farms are hitting on all cylinders as growers work to harvest one of the most abundant crops of peaches that the state has seen in some time. Martin Eubanks, Senior Commodity Merchandiser for the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, said, "The entire state has one of the best crops that we have seen in many years," "Consumers can anticipate a great summer with an abundance of tasty, dessert quality peaches." While many out-of-state peaches taste like they were grown for shipping, The Palmetto State's peaches taste like they were grown to eat. Ken Bagwell of Greenville said, "Ain't but one thing wrong with this here," as he sliced a juicy, ripe peach with his pocketknife. "After I eat it, I'm liable to need a good bath." "South Carolinians take their peaches very seriously," said Amy Forrest, who is a marketing specialist for the state's department of agriculture. "The quality of a peach cobbler or homemade peach ice cream depends heavily on the quality of the peaches. And, cobblers and ice cream are not things to be taken lightly." South Carolina peaches are available at grocery stores, roadside markets, and farmer's markets throughout the state until the end of August. For additional information regarding local peaches, please contact Martin Eubanks, 803-734-2200 or Amy Forrest, 864-268-3779. SC Peach Facts: