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Greenville, SC and Upstate News
Local news for the Greenville and Upstate area, including updates on the Greenville Drive, local beer, and local food.
Perched on a hilltop in the Greenline-Spartanburg neighborhood, the Net-Zero House is an example of how sustainable building practices can help reduce energy consumption and substantially lower the cost of living.
Are you involved with a non-profit or a business that supports non-profits? Did you know your group can volunteer and earmark funds for your favorite charity?
Bon Secours now supports Health Records on iPhone, which brings together hospitals, clinics, and the existing Apple Health app to make it easy for individuals to see their available health data from multiple providers whenever they choose.
When Robert Burns wrote his iconic poem “A Red, Red Rose” in 1794, he couldn’t have imagined the industry that would become of growing, shipping, arranging and delivering the enduring symbols of love and beauty.
The Centers for Disease Control is recommending three actions to combat the flu: get vaccinated, stop the spread of germs, and take antiviral drugs if they’re prescribed.
The Blood Connection (TBC), based in Greenville, SC, is now supplying blood products to Abbeville Area Medical Center, Cannon Memorial Hospital, and Elbert Memorial Hospital.
Fellow Countrymen is excited to expand its services to include an 8-bed transitional home located at 17 Elmwood Ave in Greenville, SC. This home is dedicated to veterans who want to get back on their feet and back to work.
Whether you live in Bangor, Maine, or Greenville, South Carolina, your home will be more comfortable and energy efficient with the right insulation. Insulation helps lower the cost of heating and cooling your home.
A physical therapy assistant at Greenville Memorial Hospital is on a mission to bring comfort to children grieving the tragic loss of their infant siblings after watching her own young son grieve the loss of his stillborn brother one year ago.
A concept born out of research from Clemson University’s Advanced Plant Technology (APT) Program is taking shape as a company that seeks to revolutionize regional agriculture by building a feed grain pipeline through the Southeast.
The Greenville Area Development Corporation (GADC), the nonprofit organization established by Greenville County Council to promote and enhance the economic development of Greenville County, has re‐launched its primary website.