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Get ready for showtime in Simpsonville. Great Escape, the 14 screen cineplex and IMAX theater, is geared up to open on April 29th. Construction at Great Escape has been pushed back about a month behind schedule due to rain and snow delays. "Every morning I drive by my kids get to take a look, and every morning they say 'Daddy, when is it going to open?'" said Simpsonville resident Drico Kirksey. Small businesses along Simpsonville's Main Street are betting that Great Escape attracts new customers. "I think it should draw a lot of younger people and older couples up here," said Candace Jackson of Downtown Sweets n' Eats. The theater will be a state of the art facility according to Great Escape VP of Operations David Poland. All its 14 screens will be digital, and will house the only Imax screen between Charlotte and Atlanta. Poland says the Great Escape will have a bar inside that serves beer and wine, because it is ideal for people who have time to kill before showtime. Poland also said the theater is hiring. They are looking for part-time managers, ticket takers and ushers. They prefer to receive resumes through their website. An online application can be found at (Image provided by Great Escape.)
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