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The City of Greenville has recently launched a new of array of online tools to make life just a little bit easier. The city's interactive mapping application can help you find property located within the city and learn about the services associated with that location. You can also use the City's online web application to search for vacant commercial property located within the City limits. Here are just a few of the tools are your disposal. Where's My House? This application will search for an address and determine if it is within the City of Greenville and therefore potentially eligible for City Services. For addresses within the City of Greenville, Where's My House?, will provide the following additional information:
2009 Aerial Photography Parcel Search This interactive mapping application is hosted by Greenville County and provides access to property information, zoning, streets, municipal boundary, water features, etc. within the city limits of Greenville. The City of Greenville GIS and Greenville County GIS work together to provide an integrated and unified county-wide database of common geographic information to the public within a single mapping application environment. Cemetery Viewer The City of Greenville's Cemetery Viewer allows easy access to locate specific interments (graves) or deeded lots in the Springwood and Richland cemeteries. You can search interments by name or death date, and search plots by name or number. For more information or to try any of these services, please visit (Image provided by The City of Greenville.)
Looking for more happenings in the area? Check out's comprehensive visitor center.