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Centre Stage South Carolina Hosts Gala Fundraiser May 3

The founder of the Spinx convenience store chain, Stewart Spinks, will headline Centre Stage's annual gala fundraiser, which takes place May 3. Popularly known as "Murder In May," this year's event is entitled "The Spy Who Buzzed Me" and Spinks, pictured here in the cockpit of his MIG-29 fighter jet is that spy. This heavily catered event will offer live music, open bar, silent auction, dancing and, of course, a murder mystery to be solved by those in attendance.

Retired Colonel Garland Flanders, founder and president of Clucky Fried Chicken, has accused Greenville, SC convenience store magnate Stewart Spinks of industrial espionage. In a recent press conference, Flanders stated that Spinks� MIG fighter jet was spotted over Clucky world headquarters in Chickamauga, GA. shortly before the original Clucky recipe was discovered to be missing.

�Our security system lit up like a Christmas tree�, Flanders said. Spinks, to whom Flanders refers as �Comrade Spinkski,", owns a MIG-29 fighter jet and employs a former Soviet military pilot.

�Boris and I were scouting franchise locations�, Spinks explained. �It�s fast and efficient and, since we�ve retrofitted it to fly on biodiesel, it makes the sky smell like fried chicken. Everybody wins.�

Spinks' involvement in the security breach will be determined May 3 at Centre Stage. Brock Koonce, Debra Capps, Michael Hawley, Glenda ManWaring and others will add a certain "dramatic touch" to this year's "fundraiser to die for!"

Admission to the fundraiser is $75/person and tickets may be purchased by calling 864.233.6733

Centre Stage-South Carolina is a professional theatre committed to the core ideal of engaging the community with innovative approaches to performance and production, enriching the local artistic landscape and enhancing the quality of life with uncompromising theatrical integrity. The mission of Centre Stage is to be a cornerstone of the creative life of the upstate, providing captivating entertainment, stimulating intellectual discovery and broadening the social spectrum of local audiences through the medium of live theatre. For more information, visit for more information.

(Image provided by Centre Stage.)

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