Search for New Greenville Police Chief is Underway

The City of Greenville has launched a nationwide search for its new police chief. The city is seeking a seasoned law enforcement leader who is inclusive, results-oriented, and can build strong community support.

The city recognizes the importance of this role in setting a standard of integrity and ensuring the safety of our thriving and diverse community.

Open recruitment for the new chief began recently with the placement of ads and the launch of two input tools, one for police department employees and one for citizens. Survey data will be used during the search and selection process. Complete the survey

The city hopes to identify semi-finalists by the end of March, conduct interviews in early April, and have a new chief in place by late Spring or early Summer.

“The city has a young, high performing police department with a senior leadership team that includes five newly-promoted captains. This presents a great opportunity for someone with a broad range of law enforcement experience who is a good mentor and communicator,” said City Manager John McDonough.

McDonough has spent the past several months talking with police department leaders about the characteristics they’d like to see in a new chief. In addition to professionalism, inclusiveness and the ability to build consensus, officers are seeking a leader with high standards and goals for the department.

Key qualities and attributes the Greenville Police Chief must possess include:

  • A leadership style that recognizes the value of people in the organization and empowers employees to use their talents and creativity to solve community problems.
  • Respect for the history of Greenville and sensitivity to its community values.
  • A demonstrated ability to communicate effectively and work with diverse stakeholders.
  • Knowledge and experience with best practices to effectively respond to crime.
  • Committed to promoting a culture of community-oriented policing.
  • Ability to be the face of the department in times of crisis.