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Looking for the perfect gift this Valentine’s Day for Mr./Miss Right or Mr./Miss Wrong? The “Name a Roach” package is the unforgettable gift for you to give! The Greenville Zoo is allowing people to name a Madagascar hissing cockroach for Valentine’s Day for $15.
Your “Name a Roach” package will include:
A certificate of naming digitally sent to you to share with that special someone or keep for yourself as a commemorative piece (for peace of mind).
A (first name of the hissing roach) mention on a pre-recorded encounter with the Madagascar hissing cockroach exhibit to be aired on Facebook on February 14, 2021.
To purchase this Valentine’s Day package, please call Olitsia Marshall at 864-467-4542, Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. (If you call outside of these days and hours, please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.) This offering ends on Friday 2/12/21 at 2:00 PM EST.